Simplify life with Omnipod DASH®

Start Your Free Trial*
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No more multiple daily injections

Deliver insulin through the wearable Pod.

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No tubes to get in the way

Leave doorknobs in the dust, no fanny packs or pockets required.

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Most co-pays under $50/mo.

Omnipod DASH® users pay on average less than $50/mo. co-pay through the pharmacy.**

Experience the freedom of tubeless insulin delivery

Don’t let your tubed pump or multiple daily injections hold you back! The Omnipod DASH® System is a wearable, waterproof, tubeless insulin pump that provides continuous insulin delivery for up to 72 hours.

The discreet Pod can be worn almost anywhere you’d typically give yourself an injection, and with no tubes or needles, life with diabetes is about to get a little bit simpler.


†The Pod has an IP28 rating for up to 25 feet for 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof.
Omnipod Pod and PDM Controller Omnipod Pod and PDM Controller
Pod shown without the necessary adhesive

97% would recommend Omnipod® to a friend

SOURCE: In a November 2019 satisfaction survey of 2,481 Omnipod DASH and Omnipod System users, 97% of respondents, if given the opportunity, would recommend the Omnipod System to a friend or colleague.

Is Omnipod® right for me?

Omnipod® was designed to simplify life with diabetes for everyone from parents learning to support their child’s insulin needs, to adults who want diabetes management to stay in the background.

Start your free trial* today and find out why Omnipod DASH® is used by thousands of people with both Type 1 and Type 2 insulin-requiring diabetes and why it’s the #1 prescribed insulin-management system for kids§.

§ dQ&A US Q3 2020 Diabetes Connections Patient Panel Report

Omnipod® vs Tubed Pumps

Omnipod® vs Multiple Daily Injections

Check Your Eligibility and Coverage

Before you get started, our team will check your eligibility for a free Omnipod DASH® 30-day trial and take a close look at your benefits to see what your insurance will cover after the trial is complete. Fill out the form below and we'll send you a secure link to electronically sign. An Omnipod Specialist will reach out to your insurance provider(s) and give you a call back within 3 business days.

If you are not eligible for the free trial, your insurance may still cover Omnipod DASH® so we encourage you to still check your benefits using the section option below. Free trial program is not available to beneficiaries of Medicare, Medicaid, or other federal health care programs, or to members of certain commercial health plans, and current Omnipod® customers. Learn more about Medicare coverage.


The OmnipodPromise™ allows users to start on Omnipod DASH through the pharmacy and upgrade to any future Omnipod technology for no additional cost, when covered by insurance. The OmnipodPromise™ is only available for users with valid prescription and coverage through their pharmacy benefit. Upgrades subject to user's insurance coverage and product cost is subject to copays as required by insurance coverage.

† To be eligible for 30 Days of Freedom Trial Program, you must complete and sign Program Enrollment and Personal Information Forms and may be required to submit additional documentation. Patients must have been prescribed Omnipod DASH for an FDA-approved indication. For new Pod Therapy patients coming from multiple daily injections or tubed pumps only. Free Omnipod DASH trial program is not available to beneficiaries of Medicare, Medicaid or other federal health care programs, or to members of certain commercial health plans. You agree not to sell, trade, return for credit or seek insurance reimbursement for the PDM or free Pods. After the 30-day trial, your out-of-pocket cost for Pods will depend on your insurance coverage. Other restrictions may apply. Cancel at any time. 30 Days of Freedom Trial Program terms and conditions are subject to change.

**Calculated based on a consumption of ten (10) Pods per month. Majority defined as at least 70% of patient co-pays under $50 per month. 131,049 paid claims between January 1st, 2020 and December 31st, 2020, both for commercial plans and Medicare, were analyzed. Actual co-pay amount depends on patient’s health plan and coverage, they may fluctuate and be higher or lower than the advertised amount on a monthly basis. Source: Data on file.