Omnipod DASH® Shelf-Life Extension

Omnipod DASH pods manufactured for United States distribution after December 6, 2022 now have an extended shelf life of 24 months.

With this change, some Omnipod DASH Pods manufactured in 2022 may have an extended expiration date on the outer box which is different than the date on the inner packaging. The boxes may include a notice, such as “the expiration date of your Omnipod DASH pods have been extended to reflect 24 months shelf life.”

Omnipod DASH Date Notification Omnipod DASH Date Notification
Where to find lot number, manufacturing date, and expiration of Omnipod DASH Where to find lot number, manufacturing date, and expiration of Omnipod DASH

Check the lot numbers below to confirm if your pods manufactured in 2022 have an extended expiry date than what is noted on the internal packaging.


  • PD1U04042231
  • PD1U04182221
  • PD1U04282232
  • PD1U04292221



  • PD1U05102231
  • PD1U05112232
  • PD1U05122211
  • PD1U05132221
  • PD1U05132231
  • PD1U05142211



  • PD1U06212211



  • PD1U07112211
  • PD1U07122231
  • PD1U07132221
  • PD1U07152211



  • PD1U08252221
  • PD1U08252231
  • PD1U08262211
  • PD1U08262231
  • PD1U08292211
  • PD1U08302211
  • PD1U08302221
  • PD1U08312221



  • PD1U09012211
  • PD1U09012231

If your lot number is not listed above and was manufactured during or after December 2022, the expiration date should already reflect the 24 month period.

Frequently Asked Questions

What products are affected?

Why did this happen?

Why does the inner packaging not reflect the same date as the outer packaging?

How many products are affected by this change and for how long will this take effect?

What Distribution Centers are affected?