Wrap Pizza Recipe

Heeeeey Everyone.
During the course of these blogs I am going to be sharing a few of my favourite recipes with you guys which I love, and think you’d really enjoy. I’m also going to be searching for, and trying out some new recipes and sharing these with you.
So, put your hands in the air if you have ever bolused for pizza perfectly…anyone…no one…because same. I have never ever been able to, I am pretty certain it is hard to do. I think we can all agree that pizza and T1 doesn’t always mix particularly well together but I mean that definitely doesn’t stop me from enjoying pizza every now and then but I am a very happy gal after discovering wrap pizza’s.
I posted this on social media a few weeks ago and had so many messages from you guys so I have been excited to share this food idea/ recipe with you guys for a while now in a blog. It has become one of my favourite things to eat, and I can eat them more often without causing havoc to my blood sugar, it’s a win win pizza situation. I know what you’re thinking…stop rambling and give us the recipe.. OKAY OKAY.
The recipe and carbohydrate count will change depending for your toppings so I am just giving you a basic cheese and tomato wrap pizza. I gained the nutritional information from the food packets and the Carbs & Cals app, and roughly equals 30 grams of carbs but this should be used as a guide only if you decide to make your own.