Pod University

Life with type 1 diabetes can feel overwhelming at times. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to managing your health or the health of a loved one.

Our content is designed to give you support and guidance on a range of topics - wherever you are on your journey.

Pod University: Start Here

Diabetes Technology

Diabetes technology has developed a lot over recent time. Here, you can learn more on how to manage your diabetes with technology, what the current options are, how the technology works and future developments in diabetes technology. These modules aim to help build up your knowledge and understand what might be the best option for you.

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What is an Insulin Pump?

Are you thinking about using an insulin pump to manage your diabetes?  There’s a lot to consider, and terms like ‘patch pump’ and ‘closed-loop’ might be new to you. Let’s find out what an insulin pump is, and how insulin pump therapy works! 

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What are CGMs and FGSs?

You may have heard of ‘flash glucose sensors’ (FGS) or ‘continuous glucose monitors’ (CGM), but what do these devices actually do?

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Automated Insulin Delivery

Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) is revolutionising the way people manage their type 1 diabetes. Let’s find out what it’s all about.

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How can I get an insulin pump on the NHS?

Accessing advanced diabetes technology – an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitoring system, or a hybrid closed-loop system – can feel complicated. This guide aims to answer some common questions and to support you in discussing your personal situation with your diabetes care team. 

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Pod Icon | Simplify life Omnipod®

How to take care of your skin while using diabetes devices

If you live with type 1 diabetes, you might wear a diabetes device to help manage your condition, and so you might need to take extra care of your skin. 

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Pod Therapy

Pod Therapy is an innovative, intuitive kind of insulin management method. A personalised alternative to traditional insulin pumps and multiple daily injections. In this category you will find everything you need to know about Pod Therapy.

What Is Pod Therapy

What is Pod Therapy?

In this module we find out more about Pod Therapy with Omnipod®.  Pod Therapy, like pump therapy, offers the benefit of providing continuous insulin delivery, and does so through a tubeless Pod.

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Podder® Prep

If, with the help of your healthcare team, you have decided on the Omnipod system, here are some helpful tips before you get started.

Omnipod DASH

Omnipod 5

Pod | Simplify life Omnipod®

Your first few days as a Podder

If you are new to Omnipod, we know that changing therepy can be overwhelming. Here you can find some information to support you in your Omnipod journey.

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Pod Placement Guide

This module is designed to help you better understand exactly where and how to best wear each Omnipod Pod and includes basic guidance and some additional tips to help you get the most out of each 3-day* wear! 

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Back To School with Omnipod

When your child has diabetes, getting their care team at school up to speed on their management plan can be an important part of your back-to-school checklist. 

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Real Life with Omnipod - A Podder® answers your questions!

Switching to new diabetes technology or changing your diabetes management is a big decision, so if you’re considering Omnipod®, you may have some questions about what life on Omnipod is really like.

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General Diabetes

Diabetes 101 at your fingertips – in these modules we provide straightforward, research-backed information about diabetes. If you are newly diagnosed, or a loved one or friend has just been diagnosed, these modules are a good first step for helping to build a foundational knowledge of all-things diabetes.

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Living life with type 1 diabetes

Learn how a type 1 diabetes diagnosis impacts daily life and find answers to common questions for newly diagnosed individuals and their loved ones.
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Diabetes types differences

Understanding type 1 vs type 2 diabetes

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are the two main types of diabetes. They both affect the way the body processes glucose, but there are big differences in the conditions themselves, as well as in how they are treated. 

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All about hyperglycaemia

Hyperglycaemia, or high blood glucose, can affect people living with type 1 diabetes. A person’s blood glucose will inevitably go out of range sometimes, but left untreated it can cause health problems.

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All about hypoglycaemia

This module is designed to help you understand the signs, symptoms and treatments for hypoglycaemia, or ‘hypo’ as it’s often referred to. 

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Travelling with Type 1 Diabetes

Travel is an exciting part of life, and living with type 1 diabetes shouldn’t stop you saying yes to adventure - especially with Omnipod® at your side!

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An introduction to exercise and diabetes

Discover the challenges and benefits of exercise for people with type 1 diabetes, and learn how to manage blood glucose levels while staying active.

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Glucose Levels Explained

Glucose levels tell you the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose enters the bloodstream from food and drink. It’s the main energy source for the cells in your body. 

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Nutrition plays a pivotal role in daily life. Fortunately, it doesn't have to revolve around diets or quick fixes. Instead, focusing on healthy eating and understanding the connection between nutrition and diabetes can bring joy, confidence, and empowerment.

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Hydration and type 1 diabetes - what to drink

The importance of hydration in diabetes management and how different beverages affect glucose levels. We all know that hydration is key, but do you need to drink differently if you live with type 1 diabetes? 

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General Diabetes

Diabetes 101 at your fingertips – in these modules we provide straightforward, research-backed information about diabetes. If you are newly diagnosed, or a loved one or friend has just been diagnosed, these modules are a good first step for helping to build a foundational knowledge of all-things diabetes.

  • Blood Sugar Levels: Explained
  • Nutrition and Type 1 Diabetes: What Can I Eat? 
  • Understanding Carbohydrates in Diabetes Management 
  • Healthy Fats and Type 1 Diabetes
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Pod Therapy

Pod Therapy is an innovative, intuitive kind of insulin management method. A personalised alternative to traditional insulin pumps and multiple daily injections. In this category you will find everything you need to know about Pod Therapy.

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Anyone with diabetes needs to be aware of how food and nutrition can affect their health. Get equipped with real facts around nutrition and how to make healthy food choices when living with diabetes.

  • Quick Meal Essentials
  • Cooking for Kids with Diabetes
  • Meal Planning Methods
  • Flexible Eating


These modules are not a replacement for medical advice or training. Please always speak to a qualified healthcare professional about your options.