Pre-Pod Virtual Training Checklist
Getting the most out of a virtual training
Patient safety
Our patient’s safety is paramount. Please ensure that:
☑ A discussion has been had with the patient to ensure that all parties are happy and confident to proceed with a virtual training
☑ The patient has access to the necessary technology that can support audio and video streaming
☑ Virtual training platform has been tested prior to the date of the training
☑ The patient has a quiet environment without distractions
☑ All parties are aware that the training will be halted if there are any concerns about patient safety or in some circumstances if the video link fails
Pre-Pod training proficiencies
Suggested diabetes management topics:
☑ Carbohydrate counting instruction
☑ Blood Glucose self- monitoring (frequency and how to log)
☑ Hypoglycaemia symptoms and treatment:
- Ketones, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Ketone testing supplies
☑ Sick day management
☑ Exercise
☑ Back up supplies
These topics will be re-visited on day of training
Suggested pump therapy concepts:
☑ Basal/bolus therapy
☑ Insulins used in Pod therapy
☑ Suggested bolus calculations
- Insulin on board (IOB)
- Insulin to carbohydrate ratio (insulin sensitivity factor)
- Correction factor
☑ Target Blood Glucose level
☑ Temporary (temp) basal rates
All of these topics will be re-visited on the day of training

Being prepared
☑ Please establish the Omnipod® Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) settings and share with the patient and the Insulet Clinical Services Manager, using the Omnipod® Settings sheet and/or the available pages in the Podder™ Resource Guide
☑ Advise the patient of any changes they may need to make to their insulin doses prior to the training start date.
☑ Ensure the patient has the correct prescription requirements prior to the training
☑ Advise the patient to create their diasend® account prior to training, as uploading the Omnipod DASH™ Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) directly after training provides a cross check of all settings
☑ If using the Omnipod DASH™ Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM), please ask the patient to insert the lithium battery into the Omnipod DASH™ Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) and charge to 100%. Please phone Customer Care if any support needed 0800 0116132 or +44 20 3887 1709 if calling from abroad. We'll be happy to help you.
The day of training
What is needed for the Omnipod® start:
☑ Virtual meeting invite
☑ Omnipod® or Omnipod DASHTM PDM starter kit
☑ Omnipod® or Omnipod DASHTM System Pods -Please do not open any of the sealed Pods prior to the training
☑ Omnipod® or Omnipod DASHTM PDM settings documented on the Omnipod® settings sheet and/or the PodderTM Resource Guide
☑ Welcome Folder, containing PodderTM Resource Guide and diasend® Guide which will be worked through during the training
☑ 10ml vial of the prescribed rapid acting U-100 insulin
☑ Blood Glucose (BG) meter
☑ BG test strips
☑ Lancing Device and lancets
☑ Ketone testing device and test strips
☑ Hypo treatment
☑ Strong internet connection (Computer, tablet, phone)