Welcome to the Pod Experience
What you will find here:
What is the Pod Experience?
Pod Therapy is insulin pump therapy, simplified. Our real-feel, real-size, real-weight demo Pod* (without the insulin) is designed to give you a real-ly good idea of what wearing a Pod feels like. This is the Pod Experience. We suggest wearing it for up to three days, just like a functioning Pod. You can shower, sleep, exercise and play while wearing it - it’s designed for you to live YOUR life!
We’re here to help
Whether you’re currently on multiple daily injections or a traditional insulin pump, we want to give you the tools and information to help you make an informed choice about whether Pod Therapy is right for you. You don’t have to figure it all out alone. Our Omnipod Specialists are here to help you with your next steps. It’s time to do type 1 diabetes differently

First, let’s get started with your sample Pod*
Unlock the feeling of the Pod in just three simple steps:
Clean your selected site thoroughly, then let your skin air-dry. Do not blow on the site to dry it.
Remove the paper backing and apply the Pod to your site. Run your finger over the adhesive backing.
Wear the Pod for up to 3 days, then remove and discard it. Baby oil or similar oils can help loosen the adhesive if necessary.
Watch: How to apply the Pod
This video will guide you through applying your sample Pod* step by step!
Where to apply your sample Pod*
In adults, we recommend placing it vertically on your arm or leg, or horizontally on your abdomen, back or buttocks. Avoid placing the Pod anywhere it will be affected by folds of skin.

Vertically on your arm – Pod window can be positioned up or down

Vertically on your leg

Horizontally on your abdomen – at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away from your waistband and at least 2 inches (5cm) away from your navel for comfort

Horizontally on your lower back or upper buttocks
More details on where to apply...
Omnipod is approved for ages 2 and older. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended sites for both adults and children as they vary slightly, and we want the new you to feel as good as possible!

You’re in control with the Pod’s Pocket Companion
Ok, so it’s not a “real friend”, but we’d like to introduce you to our touchscreen handsets.
We have two Pod Therapy systems - DASH® Insulin Management system and our new Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) system, Omnipod® 5.
For Omnipod DASH you’ll use the Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM), and for Omnipod 5 it’s the Controller. These enable the Pods to be wirelessly∞ controlled by you for discreet, precise insulin delivery, wherever you are.
Omnipod 5 also integrates with the Dexcom G6 and FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensors for continuous glucose monitor for automated basal insulin adjustments. This helps to protect against highs and lows, and improve time in range!**
While your sample Pod* is not a functioning Pod, you can still give the Omnipod DASH and Omnipod 5 interactive screens a virtual try on your mobile or computer
Omnipod DASH® Virtual PDM

Experience the screens of our Omnipod DASH Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) with our virtual PDM experience.
Try the Omnipod 5 Simulator App

Our Omnipod 5 Simulator App gives you the chance to interact with a replica Controller system in the palm of your hand. Download it now from your mobile.
So you’ve tried the sample Pod* What’s next?
We’re here to support you wherever you are on your journey to Pod Therapy. We want you to be ready and have productive conversations with your healthcare team, to help you get the most out of your next diabetes appointment.
Our friendly and helpful team is ready to support you with any questions you may have about Pod Therapy, Omnipod DASH or Omnipod 5.
Give us a call on 0800 011 6132 or +44 20 3887 1709 if calling from abroad. We’re here 9am-6pm, Monday-Friday.
numbers are free from local landlines, but other networks may charge for these calls
Our virtual live demos are a great way for you to see the Omnipod® in action!
Sign up below for a 60 minute session and a member of our team will walk you through how it all works
Speaking to your healthcare provider about pump or Pod Therapy can be a new experience. Here are a few tips that may help get the conversation started:
Plan Ahead
Share your interest in pump or Pod Therapy with your healthcare provider and prepare any questions you may have about your treatment options.
Keep a logbook or glucose sensor download, with detailed records of your insulin doses and carb intake for a few weeks before your appointment. This can be helpful when talking about your diabetes management and treatment options. It can also help you to identify and demonstrate any issues you may be experiencing with your current diabetes treatment with your healthcare provider or nurse
Plan the Agenda
As you review your logbook, you may see some challenges you have experienced when trying to manage your blood glucose levels on a daily basis. (Eg, sports, sleep, or unpredictable schedules). The next steps is to define the agenda for the meeting. So keep a few questions in mind to ask your healthcare provider or nurse as this will be the perfect opportunity to do so.
For example: How can I increase my Time in Range and reduce my Time below Range? How can I reduce the effort I need to invest in self-managing my diabetes every day?
For people with type 1 diabetes, we know that choosing an insulin pump for the first time or changing from an existing one is not an easy decision. At Insulet, we believe those who have been deemed eligible for pump therapy should have the freedom to choose and flexibility to change insulin delivery devices, with no “lock-in” periods.
That’s why we strive to take steps to facilitate flexibility and reduce ‘lock-in’ periods on Insulet’s Pod Therapy technology.
The best starting point would be to speak to a type 1 diabetes healthcare professional about what insulin therapy options may be the most suitable, based on clinical and lifestyle needs. The actual steps we are able to take may vary by location, so our Omnipod® Specialist Team are here to provide an overview of how we do this∞.
Talk to an Omnipod Specialist to learn more about it!

Why Omnipod is used by thousands of people to simplify life with diabetes
The Pod:
It’s a tubeless, wearable delivery device that can eliminate up to 14 injections with 1 Pod‡ . Leave the multiple daily injections, tubing hassles and wardrobe compromises behind.
The Maths:
Simplify mealtime maths with the built-in bolus calculator with carb counts

Don’t just take our word for it…
Here’s what our community of Podders® have to say about life with Omnipod◊.
“I spend less time thinking about diabetes and more time doing things that make me happy. Giving meal boluses on MDI used to be very stressful because of my fear of needles. The Omnipod system allows me to receive insulin without the stress of multiple daily injections.”
Podder® since 2020
"Omnipod appealed to me because under clothes, it was invisible. No tubing, no need for a pouch or belt to hold the device. I could wear what I wanted and do what I wanted!"
Podder® since 2017
“Omnipod 5 has allowed me to get a good night’s rest. That’s the first time I can say that in a long time. I love it.”
Alvin M.
Podder® since 2017
Looking for more information about Omnipod® 5?
Check out the Omnipod 5 FAQs or “How to” video tutorials
Your experience doesn’t end here!
Pod University is our new library of resources on managing life with diabetes, in language that isn’t too medical, too patronising or too confusing.
Easy to digest, at your own pace, Pod University is designed for people with diabetes and caregivers of people with diabetes. It’s designed for YOU.
**The Pod has a waterproof IP28 rating for up to 7.6 metres for up to 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof.
∞At start-up, the Pod and PDM must be adjacent and touching. During normal operation, the PDM must be within 1.5 metres of the Pod.
‡Average number of injections required every 3 days (MDI: ~4.5 per day). Data on file.
◊The Omnipod System user testimonials relate to accounts of individuals response to treatment with the Omnipod System. The accounts are genuine, typical and documented. However, the individuals response does not provide any indication, guide, warranty or guarantee as to the response other persons may have when using the Omnipod System. The response other persons have could be different. Please speak to your diabetes healthcare professional to assess your suitability for the Omnipod System.
All screen images are examples and are for illustrative purposes only.
1 In a November 2019 Insulet survey of 2,481 Omnipod DASH and Omnipod System users in the US, 97% of respondents, if given the opportunity, would recommend the Omnipod System to a friend or colleague. Insulet data on file