Simplify Mealtimes with Omnipod® 5’s Custom Food Feature—whether or not your patients are carb counting

Diabetes impacts your patients’ daily lives in countless ways, adding complexity and additional considerations to all daily decisions, including at mealtimes. Counting carbohydrates (carbs) or calculating how much insulin to give at mealtimes can be challenging. Over- or underestimating mealtime insulin results in hypo- or hyperglycemia.
To help simplify the challenge of mealtime dosing, we’ve developed the Custom Foods feature in the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) System.
Custom Foods is a personalized list of foods, meals, or snacks, ready to use every time your patients use the SmartBolus Calculator to give mealtime insulin.
The Omnipod 5 SmartBolus Calculator already simplifies mealtime math for your patients by integrating their sensor glucose value and trend, so they don’t have to. The Custom Foods feature was designed to further simplify mealtime math and can be used with patients who:
To see if your patient could benefit, ask your patient what they currently do for mealtime insulin dosing. Consider how you advise your patients how to take mealtime insulin when they do not count carbs.
This video walks your patient and/or you through Custom Foods on a compatible2 iPhone:
To create or edit Custom Foods in the Omnipod 5 Controller or a compatible Android phone, please do the following:
Note: all screens are for educational purposes only.
From the Home screen, tap Menu
Tap Custom Foods
To use Custom Foods for a bolus, your patients should tap Custom Foods on the SmartBolus Calculator screen. During a bolus, they can sort foods using the up-down arrow button and after they can choose which food(s) they want to add to their calculation by tapping ADD. When you select multiple foods the SmartBolus Calculator will add the grams of carbs of all the foods selected, reducing the math done by your patient.
Additionally, please note that the Omnipod 5 Custom Foods feature your patients can:
Ultimately, this feature offers patients an easy way to bolus for meals, in a manner similar to their current method. Discover more ways Omnipod 5 can help your patients.
*Brenda Ferris is an employee of Insulet
1. The numbers provided here are examples only and may not reflect carb content in your meals.
2. For a full list of compatible phones, visit