Easy Peasy 2-Ingredients Banana Pancakes

Heeeeey Everyone.
During the course of these blogs I am going to be sharing a few of my favourite recipes with you guys which I love and think you’d really enjoy. I’m also going to be searching for and trying out some new recipes and sharing these with you, so if there is anything you’d like me to give a go then let me know!!
I wanted to share these easy peasy pancakes with you guys because pancakes aren’t just for Pancake Day, pancakes are for anytime. Seriously, pancakes are like the greatest thing ever!
Obviously, flour-based pancakes can be higher in carbohydrates and as a T1 I find them difficult to bolus for particularly ‘well’ sometimes…especially when I have smothered them in chocolate sauce, or syrup and spoonfuls of sugar (YUMMM!!!). I am not saying I don’t have standard pancakes, because believe me I do, but I have found some healthy, lower sugar, lower carb pancakes which actually taste nice, like not just okay, they actually taste good.
What I love about these pancakes is that they are so easy and simple to prepare and make. I would definitely not recommend trying these if you don’t like banana, because essentially they’re nearly all banana. But if you are a fan then give them a go because they are a great alternative to standard pancakes, if you love pancakes and you eat them a lot like me.
Remarque : La teneur en glucides est une valeur approximative, puisque la teneur en fibres n’est pas connue.
C’est prêt ! Installez-vous et dégustez…
À bientôt !