Omnipod® 5 and Dexcom: powerful partners for diabetes management

Say goodbye to multiple daily injections, insulin pump tubing and finger prick testing with the Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, paired seamlessly with the latest Dexcom technology.

Finger pricks required for diabetes treatment decisions if symptoms or expectations do not match readings.
Omnipod 5 Omnipod 5
A separate prescription is required for the Dexcom G6 or Dexcom G7 Sensor. The Dexcom G6 and G7 are sold separately. The Dexcom G6 or G7 app is required for use with the Omnipod 5 System. Screen for illustrative purposes only.

Helping you to stay in range, day and night1,2

Omnipod 5 is the only wearable, tubeless, automated insulin delivery (AID) system that works with the Dexcom G6 and Dexcom G7 Sensors. AID systems are also known as hybrid closed loop systems (HCL).

Using our SmartAdjust™ technology, Omnipod 5 and your Dexcom Sensor are in constant communication, smoothly responding to predicted glucose levels by automatically adjusting insulin delivery every five minutes.

Omnipod 5 has been shown to increase time in range and decrease HbA1c, while helping to protect against highs and lows, day and night1,2

Share the load with a system that’s always adjusting*, so you don’t have to.

Simplify Life® with Omnipod 5  

Experience the freedom and simplicity of automated insulin delivery with Omnipod 5.

Each tubeless, waterproof Pod is worn for up to three days (72 hours), worn with a compatible Sensor to adjust insulin delivery every five minutes.

The handheld, wireless Controller allows you to deliver bolus insulin for meals and correction doses quickly and discreetly.

The result? Less time focused on diabetes. More time focused on life.

Sensors Sensors

Continuous glucose monitoring made easy with Dexcom

Dexcom is a pioneer in real-time continuous glucose monitoring.

For more than 20 years, Dexcom has been dedicated to developing simpler and better ways for people with diabetes to measure, track and manage their glucose.

How does Dexcom work?

Dexcom gives you glucose readings in real time, helping you to make informed diabetes treatment decisions without finger prick testing§!

  • Your choice of Dexcom Sensor is inserted just under the skin
  • Glucose readings are wirelessly and automatically sent your compatible smart device or Controller every five minutes, without the need for scanning
  • Trend arrows show where your numbers are heading and how fast
  • Customisable high and low alerts tell you when your glucose is heading out of range
  • Spread the peace of mind and share your glucose data with caregivers and loved ones using Dexcom Follow
  • The Dexcom G7 is Dexcom’s smallest Sensor to date. When used with Omnipod 5, the shorter 30 minute warmup time gives you more time in Automated Mode§, so the Pod stays at work for longer
Internet connectivity required for data sharing. Following requires the use of the Dexcom Follow App on a compatible smart device. Followers should always confirm readings on the Dexcom App or receiver before making treatment decisions.

How does an Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) System work?

  • The Dexcom sensor sends your glucose levels to the Omnipod 5 Pod’s built-in algorithm 
  • The SmartAdjust™ control algorithm calculates whether insulin delivery needs to be increased, decreased, remain the same or paused 
  • The algorithm sends the command to the Pod 
  • The Pod actions the command  ​​​​​​
  • The Dexcom sensor picks up on any changes to your glucose level and reports that to the algorithm 
  • The circle continues, hence the term ‘closed loop’
  • Bolus doses are programmed by you using the Omnipod 5 Controller.

Here’s what our Podders have to say about Omnipod 5

''Omnipod 5 has allowed me to get a good night's rest. That's the first time I can say that in a long time. I love it.''

Alvin M

''I love automated insulin delivery, I can do things a lot more spontaneously. My parents would say it's been a life-changer for me AND for them.''

Mattie G

''With Omnipod 5, I've found a new confidence that I didn't have before...I'm almost a new person. Omnipod 5 makes me feel safe''

Morgan M

Looking for more answers? Check out all Omnipod 5 FAQs.

Try a demo Pod** on for size

Request a free Pod Experience Kit today to try the demo Pod** for yourself!

Our real-size, real-weight demo Pod** is designed to help you understand what it feels like to wear one of our tubeless Pods, and get a sense of how discreet it can be.

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Are you currently using Omnipod®?

By clicking “submit” you consent to our processing of the above personal data to send news and marketing emails and contact you via calling you. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information, our contact details and how to withdraw your consent.

Important: Please note that the customer must be residing in the United Kingdom to be eligible for the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System.

Looking for more information

Check out our library of resources below to continue learning about Omnipod 5:

Omnipod 5 Omnipod 5

*When used in automated mode with Dexcom G6 and Dexcom G7, the Omnipod 5 System makes adjustments to insulin delivery every 5 minutes based on the user's current CGM value, glucose values predicted 60 minutes in the future, glucose trend, and past insulin delivery to bring glucose to a user defined target.

‡The Pod has a waterproof IP28 rating for up to 7.6 metres for up to 60 minutes. The Omnipod® 5 Controller is not waterproof. The Dexcom Sensor and transmitter are water-resistant and may be submerged under 2.4 metres (8 feet) of water for up to 24 hours without failure when properly installed.

†For a list of compatible devices,visit

§ More time in automated mode based on 30 min warm up time for Dexcom G7 versus 2 hours with Dexcom G6. During Sensor warm up the system enters Automated Mode: Limited.

** The demo Pod is a needle-free Pod that does not deliver insulin. PDM/Controller not included.

1. Brown S. et al. Diabetes Care. 2021;44:1630-1640. Prospective pivotal trial in 240 participants with T1D aged 6 - 70 yrs. Study included a 14-day standard therapy (ST) phase followed by a 3-month Omnipod 5 hybrid closed-loop (HCL) phase. Mean time in range (3.9-10.0 mmol/L or 70-180mg/dL) in adults/adolescents as measured by CGM: ST = 64.7%, 3-mo Omnipod 5 = 73.9%, P<0.0001. Mean time in range (3.9-10.0 mmol/L or 70-180mg/dL) in children as measured by CGM: ST = 52.5%, 3-mo Omnipod 5 = 68.0%, P<0.0001. Mean HbA1c: ST vs. Omnipod 5 use in adults/adolescents (14-70 yrs) and children (6-13.9 yrs), respectively (7.16% vs 6.78% or 55 mmol/mol vs. 51 mmol/mol, P<0.0001; 7.67% vs 6.99% or 60mmol/mol vs 53 mmol/mol), P<0.0001. Mean time >10.0 mmol/L or >180mg/dL (12AM-<6AM) as measured by CGM in adults/adolescents and children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 32.1% vs. 20.7%; 42.2% vs 20.7%, P<0.0001, respectively. Mean time >10.0 mmol/L or >180mg/dL (6AM-<12AM) as measured by CGM in adults/adolescents and children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 32.6% vs. 26.1%; 46.4% vs 33.4%, P<0.0001, respectively. Mean time <3.9 mmol/L or <70 mg/dL (12AM-<6AM) as measured by CGM in adults/adolescents and children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 3.64% vs. 1.17%, P<0.0001; 2.51% vs. 1.78, P=0.0456, respectively. Mean time <3.9 mmol/L or <70 mg/dL (6AM-<12AM) as measured by CGM in adults/adolescents and children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 2.64% vs. 1.37%, P<0.0001; 2.13% vs. 1.98%, P=0.2545, respectively.

2. Sherr J. et al. Diabetes Care. 2022; 45:1907-1910. Single-arm multicenter clinical trial in 80 pre-school children (aged 2-5.9 yrs) with T1D. Study included a 14-daystandard therapy (ST) phase followed by a 3-month AID phase with Omnipod 5 system. Mean HbA1c as measured in very young children, ST vs. Omnipod 5 use:7.4% vs 6.9% or 57 mmol/ml vs. 53 mmol/mol; (P<0.0001). Mean time in range (3.9-10.0 mmol/L or 70-180mg/dL) as measured by CGM in children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 57.2% vs 68.1%, P<0.0001. Mean time >10.0 mmol/L or >180mg/dL (12AM-<6AM) as measured by CGM in children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 38.4% vs. 16.9%, P<0.0001, respectively. Mean time >10.0 mmol/L or >180mg/dL (6AM-<12AM) as measured by CGM in children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 39.7% vs. 33.7%, P<0.0001, respectively. Mean time <3.9 mmol/L or <70 mg/dL (12AM-<6AM) as measured by CGM in children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 3.41% vs. 2.13%, P=0.0185. Mean time <3.9 mmol/L or <70 mg/dL (6AM-<12AM) as measured by CGM in children ST vs. 3-mo Omnipod 5: 3.44% vs. 2.57%, P=0.0799.