
In mid-2015 at the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)’s annual conference, Insulet held the first Sex, Insulin, and Rock ‘N’ Roll live forum. No joke!

Technology: can’t live with it, can’t live without it. It’s great when it works like it's supposed to, but when it doesn't, it can be a huge source of frustration! Dangerous fluctuations in blood glucose (BG) and potentially serious changes to our health can occur when technology fails.

Basketball.  It’s been a passion of mine ever since I was a kid.  Watching the pros, playing the game with friends, even following fantasy team stats. 

Let's face it ̶ nobody enjoys being sick.  When you have diabetes, illness adds an unwelcome layer of complexity to your day-to-day management.  You may be feeling miserable and want nothing more than to sleep, but you still need to stay on top of things by checking blood glucose (

Anyone who uses an insulin pump knows there are many benefits in terms of lifestyle and glucose control. However, there's also a lot that can go wrong. Just the other day, I got one of those annoying “occlusion” alarms for no apparent reason.