Omnipod® 5 FAQs:
Availability and Access
Have questions about where the Omnipod 5 is available and the pharmacy channel? We’ve included answers to the most popular questions below. If you’re interested in checking your coverage for the Omnipod 5 System, simply fill out this form for a free benefits check.
Is the Omnipod 5 System available through the pharmacy channel?
Will the Omnipod 5 System be available in Canada and Europe?
Can I get Omnipod 5 directly from Insulet or do I have to contact a pharmacy?
Why was the pharmacy channel chosen for the Omnipod 5 System? Why is it not covered through the durable medical equipment (DME) benefit?
Is Omnipod covered by Medicare?
Do Omnipod savings programs apply to those with government insurance?
I'm not sure what savings programs may apply to me, how do I find out?
What if I have commercial insurance but Omnipod is not covered by my plan?
Is Omnipod available to me if I do not have insurance?
How much does Omnipod cost?
Does VA cover Omnipod 5?
Does DoD/Tricare cover Omnipod 5?
When will Omnipod 5 Libre2Plus G6 become available through retail or ESI mail order?
Does IHS/Tribal Insurance cover Omnipod 5?
Does VA cover Omnipod DASH?
Does DoD/Tricare cover Omnipod DASH?
Does IHS/Tribal Insurance cover Omnipod DASH?
Looking for more?

Is Omnipod right for me?
Meet our family of tubeless wireless insulin delivery devices.

Omnipod Reviews
What's it like to be a Podder? Check out real stories of how Omnipod has simplified lives.

Omnipod 5 Device Compatibility
Learn more about monitoring your glucose levels and insulin dosing from your compatible smartphone*.
Still have questions about Omnipod 5?
Click here to access the main FAQ page.
§Omnipod® Copay Card Financial Assistance Program Terms
1. Program Eligibility
Eligibility criteria: Subject to program limitations and terms and conditions, the Omnipod® Financial Assistance Program (the “Program”) is open to patients who have a valid Omnipod DASH® or Omnipod® 5 prescription who demonstrate a financial need for assistance based on criteria established by Insulet, and who fill their prescription through the Pharmacy channel.
This offer is not valid for participants whose prescription is paid for in whole or in part by Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal or state program. This offer is only valid in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories. Participants receiving their products through the Durable Medical Equipment or Pharmacy Durable Medical Equipment channel are not eligible to participate in the copay card program. Participants on certain commercial insurance plans may not be eligible. Please contact Insulet Customer Support at 1-800-591-3455 for details.
2. Program Details
With the Program, an approved participant who meets eligibility criteria may receive a copay card to reduce their monthly out-of-pocket expenses when filling their Omnipod® prescription. The program is described as follows:
• A program benefit that covers the participant’s eligible out-of-pocket prescription costs for Omnipod DASH® and Omnipod® 5 Pods (copay, deductible, or co-insurance) on behalf of the participant, in accordance with criteria determined by Insulet.
• In order to participate in the Program, a person shall complete Insulet’s Financial Assistance Program Application Form, as provided by Insulet and as may be updated from time to time.
• The form shall be filled out with true and correct information by the applicant and provided to Insulet.
• In addition, the applicant shall provide evidence of income, as directed by Insulet.
• Insulet shall evaluate the application in accordance with its policies and make a determination as to the eligibility of the applicant.
• If the application is accepted by Insulet, Insulet shall communicate to the participant the level of assistance that they will receive as part of the Program.
• The assistance shall be provided through a copay card delivered electronically by Insulet to Participant.
• The copay card shall be valid for one (1) year and covers a thirty (30) days’ fill of Pods, every month.
• Participants are solely responsible for updating Insulet with changes to their prescription, financial situation or health insurance, including but not limited to, initiation of insurance provided by the government, in addition to any change in coverage terms or other offers such as accumulator adjustment benefit design or copay maximization programs. Participants shall further inform Insulet of any change or lapse in coverage for their Omnipod ® prescription.
• Participants are responsible to provide Insulet with accurate information on their copay.
Insulet reserves the right to change, amend or rescind this Program, in whole or in part, at any time.
3. Limitations
The Program may not be combined with any other offer, rebate or coupon. If at any point a participant begins receiving coverage under any state or government program, the participant will no longer be able to use this card and they must contact Insulet Customer care at 1-800-591-3455 to stop their participation. Participant shall also update Insulet if their financial situation changes in a way that would make them non-eligible to participate in the Financial Assistance Program. Participating in this Program means that you are ensuring you comply with any required disclosure regarding your participation in the Program. Other restrictions may apply. Health plans, specialty pharmacies and Pharmacy Benefits Managers not specifically authorized by Insulet are prohibited from enrolling participants in the Program. The copay card shall last for a maximum of twelve (12) months per participant.
This Program is not health insurance. Insulet reserves the right to rescind, revoke or amend this offer, as well as any eligibility criterion without further notice.