Preparing for training: Omnipod 5 (compatible with FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor)

What do I need for my training? (Omnipod 5 with FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor)

If you have not received your training method, click here. ​

Actions to complete before your training: ​

  • Log in to your Omnipod 5 device using your Omnipod ID. Write down your Omnipod ID username and password and bring them to your training ​
  • Write down your Glooko username and password and bring them to your training​
  • Confirm you have Omnipod 5 Pods (compatible with FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor) and the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor
Omnipod 5 Omnipod 5
Omnipod with Dexcom G6 box packaging Omnipod with Dexcom G6 box packaging
Omnipod 5 with Dexcom G7 box packaging Omnipod 5 with Dexcom G7 box packaging

Items you must bring to your training:

  1. ​ Vial of U-100 rapid-acting insulin compatible with the Omnipod 5 System. Compatible U-100 insulins are NovoLog®, Humalog®, and Admelog®.​
  2. ​ Omnipod 5 Pods (compatible with the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor)​ ​
  3. Fully-charged Omnipod 5 Controller ​
  4. ​ A new FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor. The Omnipod 5 System will not connect with a FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor if you started the Sensor using another device. You must start the Sensor with the Omnipod 5 App on the Insulet-provided Controller.​
  5. ​ Controller charger ​
  6. ​ Alcohol wipes​ ​
  7. Omnipod 5 User Guide included in your Starter Kit​
Omnipod 5 components Omnipod 5 components

Please note: ​

  • Expect your appointment to take up to 2 hours. ​
  • Wear comfortable clothing with easy access to desired Pod placement area ​ ​

Questions about your FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus Sensor? Contact Abbott Product Support at 855-632-8658. ​ ​

If you need assistance prior to your training date, please call Omnipod Product Support at 1-800-591-3455. We’re available 24/7.