Everyday Life

When University of Massachusetts junior Christina Roth started a student group for others living with type 1 diabetes in 2009, she had no idea that her organization would quickly become the number one resource for young adults like her and would expand to college campuses all over the United Stat

Work, family, school, traffic, finances, and relationships are common sources of stress for many of us. Add diabetes management and you may feel totally overwhelmed.

Winter is here, and while many welcome the holidays, a change in food, clothes, and possibly a difference in activity with the change in daylight, for some it can be a time that brings a change in mood that affects many aspects of daily life.

I have been on a pump for more than 15 years now and a CGM for more than 10. A lot has changed with the technology, size and options in pump therapy. started out on a tubed pump and made the transition to Omnipod soon after it came to market mostly for athletic benefit at the time.

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know I’ve been on a quest to be the first diabetic to complete a marathon in all 50 states. This is a journey that began in November 2000 when I hobbled to a finish in the New York City Marathon, exhausted and exhilarated.

In this episode of Sean Busby’s Heroes, Sean talks with a very special guest – his wife of six years, Mollie Busby. Sean and Mollie share their thoughts on living with type1 diabetes as a couple, and how they support one another and live life to the fullest.

June 17, 2017 was easily the most heart wrenching and difficult day of my entire life. It was the day I lost my mother to cancer. She was by my side when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes nearly five years ago, and held my hand through the first few weeks of learning to live with T1D.

In this episode of Sean Busby’s Heroes, Sean talks with Jonny Brainard about his experience with camps for children with type 1 diabetes.

Growing up in New England, my ten-year-old son Miles knows a thing or two about Spring Fever. Even before the last of the snowstorms, he’s dreaming of green grass, warm sun and hours of outside play, because in his world, spring means one thing: baseball!

In a series of 12 episodes, PodderTalk™ is featuring interviews between professional snowboarder Sean Busby and inspirational people in the diabetes community. In this episode of Sean Busby’s Heroes, Sean talks with Dan, a college student living with type 1 diabetes.

Look, I can pirouette around the bedroom naked!  I can jump in the pool without a care. I don’t have to buy clothes with pockets.  I don’t have to juggle and hold something between my teeth or under my chin when I use the toilet!