Everyday Life

Everyone has a secret favorite holiday. When you think of favorite holidays, the usual suspects come to mind. Christmas is the leader for most because of the decorations and the gifts. (Eggnog?

While so many people compare life with diabetes to a never-ending roller coaster ride, I’m proof that real-life roller coasters can be fun! When I visit my local theme park on a hot summer day, I always remember my sunscreen, water and most importantly, a bag full of diabetes supplies.

The third and last leg of pregnancy can sometimes be described as rough, and it can be, but you know what else it is? Amazing!

In a series of 12 episodes, Podder™ Talk is featuring interviews between professional snowboarder Sean Busby and inspirational people in the diabetes community.

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, a time when patients, clinicians, and others whose lives are touched by diabetes bring attention to the challenges of this disease.

St. Patrick’s Day is here – time to flaunt your green garb and enjoy a pint with good friends, no matter their heritage. Eat, drink and be merry…but don’t let the leprechaun play tricks on your blood sugar.