Podder Talk™ Blog

From wellness tips and science news, to stories and support, Podder Talk™ is where Omnipod® users share inspiration and information about how to simplify life with diabetes. Explore a variety of topics from a community unlike any other.

Insulet paid a fee to engage Ariana as a content creator and has an ongoing commercial relationship with Ariana as a Sponsored Omnipod user however the views expressed in this testimonial are solely those of Ariana.

In July of 2023, I made a

The writers of this blog, Matt Luttrell and Shannon Greenlee, are employees of Insulet Corporation. The authors’ opinion is their own. This article is informational only and is not a substitute for medical advice and/or services from a healthcare provider (HCP). This article

The writers of this blog, Evan Deane RN, CDCES & Christine O’Neil RN, CDCES, are employees of Insulet Corporation. The authors’ opinions are their own.
This article is informational only and is not a substitute for medical advice and/or services from a healthcare


<p>"I never really lived a life without diabetes," said Lauren Misiaszek. Only 11 months old at the time of her diagnosis, type 1 diabetes has always been part of Lauren's life.</p>

<p>Imagine your blood sugar dropping to 40 mg/dL while performing onstage in front of 2,000 people. You cannot simply pop a few glucose tabs while singing and dancing without completely disrupting the professional performance and experience for your audience.</p>

<p>Type 1 diabetes has been part of my life since 2004. It came crashing into my life from out of nowhere when I was 19 years old. As a professional snowboarder, that diagnosis did not come easy - especially at that age in my life.

<p>Living with type 1 diabetes comes with a unique badge of life experience that most of those around you will never fully understand.

<p><span><span><span>Summer has finally arrived! Here are a few friendly reminders of how to keep your Pod and Omnipod® 5 Controller or Omnipod DASH® Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM) running smoothly so you can enjoy yourself outdoors all summer long!

<p>I love summer. Warmer temps and longer days mean more time outdoors doing some of my favorite things and, of course, applying sunscreen liberally and multiple times a day.

<p>For those of us who use insulin pumps, we need insulin delivery to be seamless. Interrupted delivery can mean a major change in blood sugar, and it often happens at times when we are not prepared.

<p>Here at Podder Talk™ and in our diabetes social circles, we spend an enormous amount of time talking about blood sugar and diabetes management.

<p>I had a plan. I planned to make the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and represent my country in just a few short months. Most everyone in the world had plans too, not just me.

<p>We’ve all heard it before, that diabetes is caused by too many sweets. The sad but true stereotype that those with diabetes have trouble controlling their calorie intake. Let me cut to the chase… this is not true.

<p>These last couple of weeks have asked a lot of us, both mentally and emotionally. COVID-19 has disrupted much of our daily routines, habits, and outlets, and caused us to adapt to what might be our new normal for not just days, but weeks and maybe even months.

<p><span><span><span>Learning to live with type 1 diabetes is a shift in routine, a new way of life, a change that brings on tremendous challenges but also blessings in disguise.

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