Doorknobs and Dresses - Finding Freedom with Omnipod DASH®.

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 14 years old and I am now 31. There have certainly been some tricky times in those years, but it has never held me back from anything. I can’t change that I have type 1 diabetes, but I know it does not define me. Type 1 Diabetes has become a routine in my life that instead motivates me to do things I don’t think I would have otherwise. Here is a snippet of my story and how I have found that freedom.
When first diagnosed I did multiple daily injections and tested glucose levels with a blood glucose meter. Fast forward to my early 20s and I used a tubed insulin pump for a year. Whilst I am glad I did it, it was not for me and still isn’t. I live a really active life and having tubes is not something I want to deal with. I like being able to wear any clothing and not worry about whether tubing may catch.
I’d seen on social media the Omnipod DASH® Insulin Management System and when it came to Australia, I was experiencing diabetes burn out. I honestly didn’t know if it would work for me, but I gave it a go because you don’t know unless you try. Best decision. I always say it’s given me a feeling of freedom that I didn’t know I was missing. The people in my life who know me well also saw this change and for them it’s really nice to know how happy I am.
Looking at my everyday life the PDM* takes a huge chunk of the thinking out of diabetes for me, even things like how much insulin I have active. I love the convenience of the PDM. There are moments when I will have the Omnipod in a more discreet site, and I never have to think if the tubing will get caught or if I have packed my insulin because it’s already attached to me! I get to go out and do all these amazing things and live my life exactly the way I want - happy and well.
The thing I find hardest with diabetes is that it is a chronic condition, and it is with you 24/7. There is no day off or annual leave. I think that is partly why I become so passionate about getting out and sharing my story. In 2022 I entered a beauty pageant called Miss Fit Bikini Model. I had never done any modelling before but wanted to show that having medical devices is not something to feel ashamed about. I also wanted to share with people the importance of having access to them, so I chose swimming as my fitness round in 2022 because the pod is waterproof‡- a huge advantage. I won Miss Wellbeing 2022 and in 2023 I returned as an alumni model.
For me showing off my devices** in a beauty pageant represents so much more than just sharing my story. It was about role modelling that you can go out and do these things. I have loved every part of this, and I have great fun. You likely will have moments where you doubt yourself on the way but that is where you find your courage and you will shine; I can promise you this. I actually remember bursting into tears just before I went out for the swimwear round in 2022 - it never stopped me though. Be kind to yourself and reach out in those moments. Turn problems into possibilities.
Tia Bravery.