Surf, Sun & Tubeless Fun - Podder Story | Omnipod® Australia

Cruz was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 5 years old and has been living with T1D for 9 years now. At 14 years old, he is fortunate to have never experienced multiple daily injections as he was started on insulin pump therapy in hospital at diagnosis
Cruz is from a family of 7 and is the second eldest child of 5. We are an extremely busy, active, ocean loving family! We live for Summer and the ocean is our second home.
Cruz has always done well wearing an insulin pump. However, previously having the pump bouncing around in his pocket, or falling out and pulling on the tube has annoyed him over the years but the one thing that has always let us down is time spent in the water (or playing sport) without the pump on. Cruz participates in Surf Life Saving at a very high competitive level so he swim trains, board trains, ironman trains often up to 10 sessions a week. He also loves to surf and couldn’t wear his tubed pump in the water. This meant he was spending hours each day with his pump off of his body. We were forever trying to bring his levels back down again after hours of no basal insulin.