Life since starting on the Omnipod DASH® Insulin Pump System
"To put it simply, the Omnipod DASH® Insulin Pump Management System has been a life changer for me. My experience with the Omnipod DASH® System has been great for me and has improved my quality of life and wellbeing."
To put it simply, the Omnipod DASH® Insulin Management System has been a life changer for me. My experience with the Omnipod DASH® System has been great for me and has improved my quality of life and wellbeing.
In no particular order, the benefits the Omnipod DASH® insulin pump has brought to me are:
Mental Health:
For me, the positive emotional impact I’ve experienced from not feeling “chained” or “tied-up” to the Omnipod DASH® System (due to its tubeless design) is so valuable to me and can only be understood by fellow people living with Type 1 Diabetes. At times I find I have forgotten the Pod is there attached to me.
The Omnipod DASH® System’s tubeless design is convenient for me throughout the day, it makes the normal activities I took for granted, such as changing clothes, preparing for bed, showering, bathing and bathroom duties, easier as it doesn’t get in my way with its tubeless design. The daily feeling of changing clothes and bathroom breaks without feeling worried about a line (tethered to the pump) is an emotional benefit for me.
The discreet options for placement of the Omnipod DASH® System has allowed me to carry-on with my life without needing to publicly show that I am managing my diabetes with a pump. This has had a positive impact on me, especially as I have a reserved personality.
The ability to attach the Omnipod DASH® to my body almost anywhere I would inject insulin is beneficial. The capability of the Omnipod DASH® being able to be fitted on my buttocks (opposite side of my continuous glucose monitoring system) makes it so discreet.
With the PDM insulin dosing for meals and snacks is so easy, thanks to the PDM bolus calculator, which has allowed me to snack on my favourites more often - an emotional impact (non-diabetics may take for granted).
Day to Day Life
I have been able to carry out everyday activities without detaching the pump which has allowed me to get on with my life with manageable disruption. The Omnipod DASH® System waterproof* qualities allow me to shower (and conduct water-based recreational activities e.g. swimming) without detaching the pump making a positive emotional impact which is difficult to put into words.
Ease of use:
I have found the Omnipod DASH® System is easy and extremely efficient to fit (with minimal discomfort). The reduction in my time spent with setting up the Pod, has resulted in less personal day-to-day frustration managing my diabetes. The Omnipod DASH® System’s simple needle insertion process being hands free, means I don’t have to see the insertion needle, and it reduces the time and effort I spent to setup the Pod.