Pod Placement Guide

Download our Pod Placement Guide

Wear each Pod with comfort.

The tubeless, on-body Omnipod DASH® Insulin Management System gives you the freedom to wear each Pod almost anywhere you’d inject insulin!
Worn directly on your skin, affixed with medical grade adhesive, each waterproof Pod gives you up to 3 days (72 hours) of continuous insulin delivery.

† The Pod has an IP28 rating for up to 7.6 meters (25 feet) for 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof.

Where to wear your Pod?

You might want to try out a few different places to find what works best for you - just make sure you rotate your sites for optimal insulin absorption. 
This is our recommended positioning for each area of the body: 

Pod placement Pod placement
Pod placement Pod placement

Pod Positioning

  • Arm and Leg: Position the pod vertically (up or down is fine), or at a slight angle.
  • Back, Abdomen and Buttocks: Position the Pod horizontally (left or right is fine), or at a slight angle. 
Pod placement Pod placement

Vertically on your arm – Pod window can be positioned up or down

Pod placement Pod placement

Vertically on your leg

Pod placement Pod placement

Horizontally on your abdomen – at least 2.5cm (1 inch) away from your waistband and at least 5cm (2 inches) away from your navel for comfort

Pod placement Pod placement

Horizontally on your lower back or upper buttocks

Watch How to Select a Pod Placement Site


Site selection for best results

It’s a good idea to change the Pod’s location each time you apply a new one, as improper site rotation may reduce insulin absorption.

Make sure the new Pod site is at least 2.5cm (1 inch) away from the previous one to avoid skin irritation. Omnipod DASH® has a Pod site tracker to help you remember each Pod site and maintain good site rotation.

Keep each Pod 5cm (2 inches) away from your belly button and ideally not over a mole, tattoo or scar. Avoid areas with an active infection.

Try to make sure you’re not putting it anywhere uncomfortable, or in a place where you could dislodge it when you sit or move around, such as under folds of skin or directly under your waistband.

Ideal Pod sites have a layer of fatty tissue and should ideally offer easy access and viewing.

Watch out for where you wear belts, handbags, and backpacks too!

As you try Pods in different places, you’ll learn which sites feel comfortable and convenient for you.

Wearing the Pod with other devices

You may wear your Pod in addition to another diabetes device like a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). 

Place the Pod at least 7.5cm (3 inches) from your Sensor site. 

Preparing the Pod

Make sure the site is clean and dry (see the tips section below for more on this). After removing the white paper backing from the Pod’s adhesive, press the Pod down firmly to the selected site to secure it to your skin.

 The adhesive is designed for one-time use, and once a Pod is placed on your body you cannot move that Pod to another site. 

Pinching Up

If the insertion site is very lean or doesn’t have much fatty tissue, it might help to pinch the skin where the cannula will be inserted.

To do this, place your hand over the Pod after you’ve pressed it down but before insertion, and make a wide pinch around the skin surrounding the viewing window. Press the start button on the PDM and release the skin after the cannula has been inserted.

Wear your Pod with confidence

The tubeless, waterproof Omnipod® Pod gives you the freedom to do the things you love - like swimming, dancing, playing active sports or heading out for the night! The Pod’s adhesive keeps it securely in place for up to 3 days (72 hours)*

Pod Adhesion Tips and Resources

In general, it’s best to avoid getting body lotion, creams or oils near the Pod site, as these products may loosen the adhesive.

 Try to make sure you’re cool and dry (i.e. not perspiring) when you’re changing the Pod. 

To improve adhesion, use an alcohol wipe to clean an area about the size of a tennis ball where you plan to place the new Pod and let it air dry completely before applying the Pod. We do not recommend blowing it dry.

If possible, avoid getting the Pod wet for at least 2 hours after applying it. So don’t take a bath, shower or swim with a brand new Pod.

There are products available to enhance adhesion if needed - ask your Healthcare professional (HCP) for more information.

† The Pod has an IP28 rating for up to 7.6 meters (25 feet) for 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof.
*Up to 72 hours of insulin delivery.


Issue: Oily Skin

Issue: Damp Skin

Issue: Body Hair

One of our Omnipod® Australia Podders, show us how he changes his Pod!


Frequently Asked Questions about where to wear a Pod

Can I wear a Pod on the arm?

How do I prepare the skin to wear the Pod?

Should I always wear the Pod in the same area?