Discover a life with no tubes attached.
Or strings.
Or strings.

When you switch from any in-warranty tubed pump and with the purchase of 1 box of Pods, you will receive an Omnipod DASH® System PDM at NO COST.†
Experience Tubeless Freedom
To join the Cut the Cord Program, fill in the information below and we will connect you with a Customer Care Specialist.
*This offer is available with the purchase of 1 box of Pods. This program is available to Medtronic, Tandem and Ypsomed insulin pump users only. Insulet Canada Corporation will not charge any provincial program for the cost of the PDM and you agree not to seek provincial program reimbursement for the PDM received through this offer. To qualify, Insulet Canada Corporation must verify the availability of funding support from provincial programs and/or where applicable, individuals’ private healthcare insurance program. The limited warranty period for the PDM will match the remainder of your current in-warranty existing insulin pump, not to exceed 5 years from your date of order of the PDM from Insulet Canada Corporation or its distributors. The limited warranty period for this offer supersedes the limited 5-year warranty found in the Omnipod® Insulin Management System User Guide. The initial and ongoing cost of Pods is separate and NOT included in any part of this program. There are various payment options available for the purchase of Pods. Minimum purchase of 1 box of Pods with initial PDM shipment required for offer eligibility. Please call 1-855-POD-INFO (1-855-763-4636) for additional Pod purchase information. The cost of the Omnipod® System PDM and Pods are subject to standard pricing and cannot be combined with any other offers. The Cut the Cord Program is not available to Medtronic, Tandem and Ypsomed insulin pump users who are within their 90-day pump trial period or who have less than 3 months remaining on their current pump warranty period.
© 2022 Insulet Corporation. Omnipod, the Omnipod logo, Podder and Simplify Life are trademarks or registered trademarks of Insulet Corporation. All rights reserved. The use of third party trademarks does not constitute an endorsement or imply a relationship or other affiliation.
© 2022 Insulet Corporation. Omnipod, the Omnipod logo, Podder and Simplify Life are trademarks or registered trademarks of Insulet Corporation. All rights reserved. The use of third party trademarks does not constitute an endorsement or imply a relationship or other affiliation.