Teenage Years

For me, being a teenager with type 1 diabetes (T1D) was lonely. It’s supposed to be the age where kids just pick up and go on crazy unplanned adventures without a second thought. Having T1D, I didn’t feel comfortable with that. Something that was supposed to be fun would turn out more stressful because there usually wasn’t a plan, and if there was, it could change at any second. 

It was hard to find people who understood my need (at the time) for a structured activity, and I would feel like a buzz kill. Teens are supposed to be carefree and spontaneous, and I felt like I got in the way of that. 

For me, this stage in my life was extremely difficult. Some people are blessed with great friends who want to understand and who help carry some of the weight…. literally (snacks & juice boxes) and figuratively, as those of us who are loners can really struggle. 

Sometimes it was hard for me to take care of diabetes and live a fulfilling, fun life. Often it was easier to just stay home or be “too busy” to join in. However, looking back now I’ve realized my struggles have made me a much stronger person! 

I learned to love myself, enjoy my own company, and accept diabetes for its sometimes-unpredictable ups and downs. The teenage years can be a lonely road, but I promise you, they don’t have to be. Embrace the hurdles, be patient in the moment and remember that there’s always tomorrow. The things I learned throughout those years have added so much value to my life. You are stronger than you think and I’m rooting for you, T1D teens!

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Insulet has paid a fee to engage Miriam as a content creator and has an ongoing commercial relationship with Miriam as a Sponsored Podvocate, however the views expressed in this testimonial are solely those of Miriam.